Calculate your real item cost (landed cost) off balance and have a correct view on your real margins.
Apply complex pricing and discount strategies on your sales and purchase prices
Operate your POS module from within Business Central, define different cash registers, and monitor all your cash drawers.
Create customized invoice groups and link them to your customers. Say goodbye to tedious manual sorting and hello to streamlined invoicing that boosts efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Manage your Complaints and Non-Conformities in your favourite Business Central Environment
Effortlessly print from within Business Central, eliminating annoying pop-up screens!
Effortlessly print from within Business Central, eliminating annoying pop-up screens!
Find items quicker thanks to improved visibility and search of grouped items
Manage your attributes on Customers, Vendors, Contacts, Jobs and Resources.
Calculate order promising dates using your own parameters and add a ready for shipment confirmation
Streamline incoming container management and get a perfect overview of all shipped goods.
Add a lifecycle status to items, customers and vendors and use it in all your transactions.
Efficiently Manage Your Inventory at the Logistic Unit Level (Pallets, Containers, and More)
Integrate your most complex promotional and commercial actions into Business Central
Manage your quality tests for all internal processes (reception, production, assembly, shipment, …)
Get control over your stock levels with an advanced ABC / XYZ classification.
Integrate surcharge calculations for seamless inclusion in Business Central sales and purchase documents.
Allow your employees to track their time per customer, job, and task minute-by-minute